Tuesday, April 26, 2011

time a dozen...

Something I find that really helps with the writing process is having a deadline.   
You force yourself to focus and once you do beautiful things happen.  I found that when I set a deadline for myself I was able to at least FINISH something.  It wasn't necessarily the best song or the best songs, but I got something done.   Next time set a limit for yourself.   

I forced myself to write a verse melody and chorus melody in an hour.  Got it done!  Set a deadline for yourself.   I think it would even help to have other people involved.  Get a buddy and say... " hey i have this song i want to show you, let me show it to you on thursday!"....and you won't actually have a song YET, but now there is another person involved. So you HAVE TO GET IT DONE.  bambam pow.  DO IT.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

set a time block for that writer's block!


So just last week i was trying to finish one of my songs.  After screwing around on the guitar I couldn't seem to come up with anything.  So I decided to force myself to write a song in an hour.  Knowing how awful I am at working under pressure I set some boundaries so I wouldn't be doomed for failure.  Come up with a simple verse melody and chorus melody.   I had a friend that had projects due one right after the other. He told me the key to being able to write is to go with your first thought and go with it.  No more crazy editing.  Of course I wasn't such a huge fan of that but if you need a song done in a certain time frame going with your first thought isn't such a bad idea.

I also had some help from a piece of paper that was on my teacher's wall.
It was a diagram of chord functions.  It helped me to come up with something quick.

I will post a pic in the next blog because my comp seems to not be working. =T....

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

hi ho hi hum

So i'd been having a lot of trouble finishing music lately....lyrics are really hard to come by and fix......but I find that what really does help me finish them is reading other people's blogs oddly enough. If I'm writing about a specific emotional state or situation, I'll search blogs of people who are writing about it and get ideas.   I was trying to finish this song about my aunt who passed away.  I really wanted to get the essence of her refusing to die so I looked at blogs of people who were going through cancer and were fighting hard.  It helped a lot.  So next time, if you don't mind being creepy, go search other people's blogs =)